Melissa and I generate all of our deals almost entirely from marketing to motivated sellers.  When I got my first call from my motivated seller marketing I froze….


I actually threw the phone to her for her to answer!  She fumbled through it but we learned a heck of a lot from that first call. 


It takes time to build up confidence when talking to motivated sellers.  These 15 questions that I cover in this podcast episode will help you trim the time to develop awesome motivated seller talking to skills.


It’s important to go into each phone call from a seller with these 4 goals in mind:


1. Determine if a deal is even remotely possible (focus on what is owed… not what their asking price is)

2. Determine how motivated they are

3. Build rapport

4. Schedule an appointment immediately


The 15 questions talked about the podcast episode are presented in the order they should be asked.  There is a reason for their ordering.


The biggest focus is on building rapport and getting information about their situation that they wouldn’t give something that is just hitting them up with questions without being conversational.


Enjoy the episode and be sure to down the PDF checklist of the 15 questions to make sure you ask them in the correct order.  You can download the checklist at