When you were planning this school year, did you ever think you would be co-teaching with every parent in your classes and relying on them to provide the structure for your classroom? Welcome to the adventures of a rapid transition to online learning. Our guests share what they are learning on-the-fly about how teachers and parents can step into co-teaching and do it well.

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Betty Howe lives in Ohio with her husband and is a stay at home mom of three kids 6,7,10. Debra Bernstein is the owner and co-director of Lifestone Bible-Based Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten in San Bernardino, California. She began home educating with her first child in 1992 and continued her career through the graduation of her fourth child 22 years later. Debra is a certified Gurian Institute trainer and has a passion for ensuring all of her students receive the best possible learning opportunities. Dr. Thomas Mennella has been an instructor in higher education for over ten years. Starting as a lecturer at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst, and then moving on to an Assistant Professorship at Delaware State University (DSU), Tom is now an Associate Professor at Bay Path University, a private liberal arts institution in western Massachusetts.