We invited a parent, a teacher, and a school administrator to talk about engaging parents in the wake of the pandemic.  Among the recommendations are more transparency, more communication and more face time between teachers and parents.

Resources: Flipped Learning Global Initiative (FLGI)

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Laura Burns is the parent of two school-aged children. Her research and advocacy background has helped her develop relationships with her children's teachers and reframe her perspective on classroom communication.

Scott Will has been in the education profession for 23 years. Scott has been in school administration the past twelve years, the most recent two years as a Superintendent of a public charter school focused on arts integration and mastery-based learning.  He is a husband and father of five children, an avid backpacker, and enjoys watching individuals grow into the best version of themselves.  Scott views his overall purpose as serving and his passion is education and the growth of students as learners and individuals.

Jon Harper is an elementary school teacher and a former assistant principal at Choptank Elementary School in Cambridge, Maryland. This is his 12th year as an assistant principal, and prior to that he was a math coach and taught first through fifth grades. He is the author of My Bad: 24 Educators Who Messed Up Fessed Up and Grew! He Hosts #MyBad Radio and Teachers' Aid.