If you spend any amount of time online, you're getting bombarded with every new tech invention that's out there, but should you be investing any of your time as a lawyer in getting these new technologies invested and integrated in your business?

I've brought back Jess Birken and Jared Correia, because they both have strong thoughts on how and when we should be integrating new tech. We tackle how lawyers should approach the metaverse, VR/AR, NFTs, Crypto, Web3, and subscriptions.

It was fun sitting down with two frequent guests on the podcast and really letting loose on what we think about a lot of the tech trends that are out there, but might not be ready for prime time for lawyers just yet.

Find Jess on Twitter @JessBirken or at https://hackyourpractice.lawyer

Find Jared at RedCaveLegal.com and subscribe to The Legal Toolkit Podcast.



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