As a small attorney, you know how important Google is to your business. But you might not realize that your Google My Business profile - the info that pops up when someone googles or searches for your firm in Maps - might be your firm's real key differentiator between you and your competitors.

This week, I'm joined by Paul Cashman and Wes Lungwitz of Civille, a legal website, SEO and analytics firm with a specialty in Google My Business. 

Paul and Wes detail not just the basics you need to consider when setting up your Google My Business profile, but how you need to maintain it. 

Client reviews, Q&As, content posting, and how to make sure your firm is showing up first and foremost in Google and Maps searches.

This is super valuable info, and all things you can do easily and inexpensively as part of your regular digital and SEO work.

Find out more about Civille's services at and find their GMB white paper here:


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