Much of the messaging that comes out of Diet Culture is centered around pushing yourself to achieve a particular goal.

We're told to have discipline. We're told "no pain, no gain." We're told to suck it up and just do it if you want it bad enough.

Hungry? How bad do you want to lose weight?

Lacking motivation to work out today? "Just do it".

And as I'm sure you've experienced, rarely does this kind of thinking lead to anything substantial in the end.

It might get you going, but Diet Culture creates an over-reliance on willpower, which isn't an abundant resource.

Don't get me wrong - you need willpower. It is a very useful tool, and you WILL use it.

But there's a right and a wrong way to utilize it, and most people are approaching things ineffectively.

In episode 227 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I will show you how willpower works, and the best way to ensure you always have enough of it to help you power through new habit creation.

In this episode - “The Willpower Myth of Diet Culture", you'll learn...

🔶 Why willpower is portrayed as a magical force that can solve all problems related to health and weight

🔶 The unrealistic expectations of willpower that diet culture has given us

🔶 The emotional and psychological toll of relying on willpower to resist foods and stick to plans

🔶 How the depletion of willpower works and how to manage willpower effectively

🔶 How willpower is a muscle that can be built up over time

🔶 Why there was an awkward silence after Tony asked Deanna if he drains her willpower

…and much more!

So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️





When you’re ready, here are more ways we can help you…

1) Read Tony’s Book for Free

His new book - The Ideal Body Formula: How to Ditch Diet Culture and Achieve the NEW Ideal Body, is available for you to read 100% free. Click here to read it. Or, you can purchase it in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon.

2) Join Our Free Built Daily Facebook Group

Get further strategies and inspiration to help you overcome your health and fitness struggles. Click here to join.

3) Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Call

This is a free call designed to help you overcome your struggles and get you on track to achieving your healthiest weight. Schedule your call here.