Most people are engaging in surface-level weight loss strategies.

As a result, they end up getting stuck in a cycle where the strategy they're using to solve the problem is the very thing creating it in the first place.

This is yo-yo dieting, and if you're not careful, you can spend a lifetime with little to show for it.

There are good reasons for why we choose these weight loss strategies, but there is a better way.

In episode 223 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I explain why these surface-level strategies not only don't work, but that they're also what's keeping you stuck. Then, we'll show you the right way to approach your health and fitness.

In this episode - “The Dangers of Surface-Level Weight Loss Solutions", you'll learn...

🔶 How short-term solutions can lead to long-lasting negative impacts to your health

🔶 Why we're drawn to these solutions even though we might know their harm

🔶 How to break the cycle and start getting down to the root causes of body dissatisfaction

🔶 Why nutrient deficiencies result from short-term strategies

🔶 Why dieting is actually a trauma response

🔶 Why Deanna’s turning from the mic to swallow reminds Tony of his childhood

…and much more!

So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️





When you’re ready, here are more ways we can help you…

1) Read Tony’s Book for Free

His new book - The Ideal Body Formula: How to Ditch Diet Culture and Achieve the NEW Ideal Body, is available for you to read 100% free. Click here to read it.

2) Join Our Free Built Daily Facebook Group

Get further strategies and inspiration to help you overcome your health and fitness struggles. Click here to join.

3) Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Call

This is a free call designed to help you overcome your struggles and get you on track to achieving your healthiest weight. Schedule your call here.