🟡 A lot of people struggle with the idea of permission-based eating.


Some people see it as a license to eat everything and anything in sight. While others are so afraid of gaining weight that they don’t ever actually give themselves true permission.


When do you say yes to food? When do you say no? What if you can’t stop eating after you start? Will you ever not want the cookie over the salad?


In episode 114 of Fitness & Sushi, these questions and more are answered in a special episode where Tony interviews Deanna on the topic of permission-based eating. Get a better understanding of the process and what to expect so that you can navigate your journey more effectively.


In this episode - “How to Stop Screwing Up Permission-Based Eating”, you'll learn...


🔶 The biggest misconception people have with permission-based eating


🔶 Why people mistakingly try to use it as a diet


🔶 How to make any eating style coexist with permission-based eating


🔶 Why everyone’s journey is unique


🔶 The first thing you should do to get started


🔶 Why Tony interrogated Deanna this episode


…and much more!


So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️