A big thank you to Dr. Hannah Brandt for being a guest on the show. Hannah and I share a similar career story, as we were both previously institutionalized professionals turned entrepreneurs. Hannah's background is in physical therapy where practicing in the current "one size fits all" model never settled well with her values and style of practice. Which lead to her own flourishing practice of online health coaching and personal training. Dr. Hannah has an impactful backstory with her own personal journey of feeling uncomfortable in her skin, to losing 60+ pounds, to coaching hundreds of women do the same with their lives. Stick around for the full episode as Hannah shares some high impact tools for the person wanting to make positive changes and to the coach who will be right along side the person that was once in her shoes.

You can find Hannah on Instagram and TikTok @Havingandeatingcake or on Facebook and Linked-in at Dr. Hannah Brandt.