“What does a perfect day of eating look like?” That’s what I searched on Google. I found an article about keeping your metabolism up all day long. Developing a consistent routine of healthy habits is essential for long-term fitness success. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or simply feel better, these Registered Dietitian tips might help you out. Or they might not... let's find out together as I read through the article with you.

On today’s #Unscripted episode of the podcast, I share my thoughts on their idea of a "perfect" human diet. I followed this diet for a full day and also created a YouTube video about the experience. The video features recipes, macros, stretching-routines, and more.


My YouTube Video on the Perfect Diet

Video Description: This is what a perfect day of eating looks like according to registered dietitians. Lose weight, build muscle, and boost metabolism with delicious meals. Including healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. *How many Calories you should consume will vary for everyone, but a Calorie deficit is essential for weight loss.


All other links mentioned in today's episode are listed below:

Prevention's Article on the Perfect Diet

My YouTube Video on the 1800 Calorie Diet

My YouTube Video on my 2500 Calorie Diet

My YouTube Video on the Keto/Paleo Diet

My High-Protein Hot Chocolate Recipe

My High-Protein Nutella Recipe

(please let me know if I missed anything)


I’m a personal trainer, content creator, and dog dad from Pittsburgh, PA. Find me online:








© Chase Barron / Fitness Forever Whatever (2021)