How can you improve eating habits if you're never at home? I know that many people are still at home more than ever (thanks, COVID-19) but there are people like truck drivers, hospital workers, hair stylists, nail techs, construction workers, teachers, the people who sanitize buildings, and many other professions who are serving the public all day who can't always depend on conveniences like kitchens or break rooms to make eating healthy meals easier. This episode is for you! Even if you don't have access to a way to heat up any food and you have to eat in the car. This advice applies to all of these on-the-go people and therefore it can certainly apply to anyone who is at home or working in an office with traditional lunch breaks.    The key thing here is being prepared! I'm going to give you several ways to do that so that you can successfully change your eating habits rather than just grabbing the nearest fast food all the time. Find out the three main categories for how to prepare to make healthy food choices when you're not at home plus a bonus!    Episode webpage for more info:    Patreon:   Facebook group: