The turning of a new calendar year, and the disruption of routine over the holidays make it a perfect time to pause, reflect, and to create intentions for the year ahead. Each year, we block off two full days to review our business and to plan the year to come (this years planning day was the day I created this 1-dish chicken dinner recipe).  I also think its a very useful, and fun exercise to do personally. It’s an opportunity to check in with yourself, where you’re at, and to write your story for the year to come.

Join me in this month's podcast as I go over how do a meaningful review of the previous year and set intentions and goals for the following year. Of course, setting goals and 'themes' for the year is one part, but actually taking action is the other, more important part. In episode 75 of the podcast I share how to break larger goals down into smaller, daily actions. After all, all we have is this day, one day at a time. 

We'll also go over setting goals to ensure you don't plateau after working on health and fitness for a while, and achieving initial benefits. 