You can have the best sex of your life in midlife.

Angie Byrd, my guest on this week’s podcast, stands behind that statement, and I would like to agree.‌

This podcast is all about helping you do midlife and beyond well. And in order to thrive and be our best selves, we need sex, connection, love and pleasure. Plus, when we are nourished through meaningful relationships, pleasure, passion and purpose, we can have a more relaxed relationship with food and body.

Angie Byrd turns life's big questions into quests for wellness, peace, true wisdom, and living with unbridled passion. A natural leader, the insights learned from decades of living, intense experiences and working with world-class teachers led her to coaching women in the areas of health and wellness, relationships and sex, spirituality and leadership.

She is the host of the Midlife Magic and Mayhem Podcast, a weekly show for women who are ready to enter unconventional conversations about what it means to be a modern woman in midlife. This show offers the perspective of midlife as a window of opportunity to evolve and blossom into the unique, well, radiant woman that is at the core of her being.

A curious curator and mentor, Angie Byrd walks with her listeners and clients, side by side, on the path of feeding the well, wise, wild woman in us all…creating a delicious marriage of magic and mayhem along the way.

Some of my takeaways and aha moments from this episode were:

💜 How to identify and break through the most common barrier to experiencing pleasure and intimacy

💜 How to start a simple self-pleasure practice to connect to your body and feminine energy in less than 30 seconds a day

💜 The most important mindset shifts we need to make room for pleasure and intimacy in our life

I’m glad you’re here.

To get in touch with Angie, you can visit her on her website: or Instagram (@angie.byrd)

Angie also has runs a couples retreat:

-Tanja x