Aging is not synonymous with decline.

Read that again and let it sink in.

It is possible for this decade of your life to be better than the last.
It is possible to experience vibrant health and energy in your second half of life.
It is possible that your best years are still to come.

If that sounds like a ‘yes please!’ to you, you’re going to love my interview with Karen Viesta.

Karen Viesta is a Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach who works with women over 40 who want to transform their bodies and their lives. She is the founder of Wellegant Woman Coaching and host of the podcast, Wellegant Woman: Redefining Midlife (currently ranked #9 in Apple’s List of the Top 50 Midlife Podcasts). After going through her own midlife reinvention, Karen is passionate about helping women in midlife to age powerfully, create extraordinary health and vitality, and make each new decade even better than the last.

Listen in to my conversation with Karen to discover:

How to ditch the attachment to the number on the scale and instead focus on the metrics that REALLY matter in midlife and beyond Why we fizzle after the newness of a program wears off, and how to stick with it How to deal with judgement from others when you say no to the glass of wine or fries when going out with friends Why ‘everything in moderation’ may not to be working for you, and what to do instead

I’m really glad you’re here.

As you listen, consider ‘What is the ONE THING I’m going to take away from this episode?’ Better yet, message me (instagram is best: or email [email protected] is best) and let me know!

-Tanja x

Get in touch with Karen:

Midlife Glow Up Guide: 7 Days to Your Healthiest and Most Radiant Self: