You've probably heard that if you want to create change, you need to find your WHY

I agree. I think knowing the reasons why you want to do something, such as losing weight or improving your health is important. 

But what if you don't have a good reason why? Is wanting to be thin enough? 

I have some thoughts 🙋‍♀️

1. You need a earth-moving reason why you want to lose weight. I have seen many people completely transform their life with a reason such as "I want to feel a bit better" or even "why not?". In fact, these smaller why's can be more relatable, versus "I want to live life to the fullest", which can feel too far away.

2. Your why has to go beyond just weight loss. It becomes way too easy to justify indulgences because you'll make up for it tomorrow, if weight loss is the only goal. It is possible to make up for it tomomorrow by fasting or overrestricting, but you cannot undo that you are acting out of alighment with the person you want to be. You cannot undo the fact that you just broke a promise to yourself or perpetuated the all or nothing cycle.

3. You need to have a plan that is CLEAR and REALISTIC. One of the reasons we aren't consistent is that we never defined what consistency is. No vague goals! And, make your plan realistic. I know you know this, but in a moment of inspiration or urgency to want to lose weight, it can be really hard to slow down and focus on one small step at a time.

4. Knowing your why and having a plan isn't enough; you need to follow through. Follow through is mindset (our thoughts and conversations with ourselves) and environment. And that's why most of the work I do focuses on helping my clients level up the way they think. 

I dive into all this and much more on today's podcast. Listen in and let me know what you are going to take action on!

Always listening, 
Tanja x