Do you ever feel just plain tired?  Like you don’t have enough energy to do the things you want to do in life. You know something’s going on… but when you get help, you’re told you just need some downtime, or to sleep more, or you need anti-depressants? 

Chronic fatigue is common, but it's NOT normal. 

Feeling fatigued is not the problem, it is the RESULT of the problem.

My goal for this series is to give you hope that you can uncover the actual reason why you're feeling exhausted all the time so that you can reclaim your energy and get back to feeling good. 

You deserve to feel good, which is why I put together this podcast series to help you reclaim your ENERGY.

In part 1 of the series, I share:

✔︎ The difference between a functional health approach and conventional medicine 

✔︎ Why you must look beyond the symptoms and not just treat symptoms or lab results

✔︎ The mental, emotional, and spiritual reasons you might be lacking energy

✔︎ The quick fixes and low-hanging fruit to boost your energy TODAY

My friend, I'm so glad that you are here.

I want you to have vibrant energy so that you can feel good and feel like YOU again.

If you have questions, reach out via email: [email protected] or you can message me on social media. Want to learn more about working together? Book a call at

-Tanja x

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help.

⭐️  FREE Quiz: Uncover Your Weight Loss Roadblock. Take this 2 minute quiz get your personalized 3 step plan to breakthrough what's keeping you stuck. 

⭐️ Get the Wake Up Call: Inspiration and Motivation to become a fitter, healthier, more confident and happier version of yourself, every single day.

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⭐️ Subscribe to the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast on your favourite podcast player.