We’re living in uncertain times, no doubt.

Given that certainty is a core human need, many of us feel afraid, confused, overwhelmed. These emotions are valid and understandable.

It would be so easy to throw in the towel and abandon your health, fitness, and weight loss goals. After all, we are in a crisis. What does it matter if we get up and do our strength workout or make the healthier choice at dinner?

It matters. It has always mattered, and it matters more even more right now.

Our health has never been more important than it is right now. We need to make our physical and psychological health a priority to stay strong, both for ourselves and those we may have to care for. We want to strengthen our immune system when we need it most.

While there are many things we can’t control right now, we CAN control how we choose to think and act at this time. My goal is to help transform panic into preparedness, problem-solving, and purposeful action. 

Even in the most scary, uncertain times, there’s always opportunity. We don't get stronger by always lifting the same weights - we have to lift heavier if we want to get stronger. We have an opportunity now to do some heavy mental and emotional ‘lifting’. I believe that if we pull together, we’ll make it through AND I believe we will grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

I’m planning to come out stronger in every way. Will you join me?

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help:

1. We have just launched registration for Ascend Together- we kick things off on April 6th! For more information or to register go to www.ascendtogetheronline.com

2. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or your favourite podcast player app.

3. Want more no-BS nutrition coaching so that you can ditch dieting, and ACTUALLY stick to it? Get started with my Free Course: The Diet Rules ACTUALLY Worth Following to end the fight against your body and to get to your happy, healthy weight naturally and permanently. www.tanjashaw.com/freecourse

We’re living in uncertain times, no doubt.

Given that certainty is a core human need, many of us feel afraid, confused, overwhelmed. These emotions are valid and understandable.

It would be so easy to throw in the towel and abandon your health, fitness, and weight loss goals. After all, we are in a crisis. What does it matter if we get up and do our strength workout or make the healthier choice at dinner?

It matters. It has always mattered, and it matters more even more right now.

Our health has never been more important than it is right now. We need to make our physical and psychological health a priority to stay strong, both for ourselves and those we may have to care for. We want to strengthen our immune system when we need it most.

While there are many things we can’t control right now, we CAN control how we choose to think and act at this time. My goal is to help transform panic into preparedness, problem-solving, and purposeful action. 

Even in the most scary, uncertain times, there’s always opportunity. We don't get stronger by always lifting the same weights - we have to lift heavier if we want to get stronger. We have an opportunity now to do some heavy mental and emotional ‘lifting’. I believe that if we pull together, we’ll make it through AND I believe we will grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

I’m planning to come out stronger in every way. Will you join me?

When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help:

1. We have just launched registration for Ascend Together- we kick things off on April 6th! For more information or to register go to www.ascendtogetheronline.com 2. Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or your favourite podcast player app.

3. Want more no-BS nutrition coaching so that you can ditch dieting, and ACTUALLY stick to it? Get started with my Free Course: The Diet Rules ACTUALLY Worth Following to end the fight against your body and to get to your happy, healthy weight naturally and permanently. www.tanjashaw.com/freecourse