At this time of year, the Internet is full of advice on how to avoid overindulging during the holidays. If you have a healthy relationship with food and lead a healthy lifestyle, it doesn’t really matter what happens during a few holiday feasts. You can eat, drink, indulge, and simply get back to your regular routine on December 26th, or perhaps the 27th.  One or two meals is not going to cause you to gain weight, just like one healthy meal doesn't cause you to lose weight.

However, if you struggle with food, namely emotional eating, or a chaotic relationship with food, , it is worth putting some intention and planning into your holiday meals. You might find that a few “indulgences“ can lead to feeling out of control and guilty. This could spiral into weeks or months of unhealthy eating (or over-restricting in 2020).

In this podcast, I will share a few strategies and tactics to help you listen to your body and feel in control during your holiday meals. The goal isn’t to use all the strategies; Instead, pick 1 or 2 to implement.