"I just want to be healthy."

I hear this a lot- and if this sounds like you, you'll love this podcast. You're done with yo-yo dieting, you no longer care about 'six pack abs'. Sure, it would be nice to lose a few pounds, but you're more concerned about your health, your energy, and being able to DO LIVE. 

In this interview with Ginny, you'll learn:

The first step to changing your eating habits Why complex plans don't work, and what to do instead The most important step to breaking the cycle of emotional eating or stress eating Ginny Grabowski is a #1 Best-Selling author, has an MS in Exercise Science and Health Promotion and has been helping clients in Alaska to change their health and fitness for over 15 years. Typically, she works with women over 40 who have been putting themselves last for career and/or family. They're now suffering from obesity and creeping medical issues like high blood pressure and diabetes.

To help these women, she created a program called Nutrition University (or Nu-U for short) that puts a priority on being healthy over just being skinny. When she reviewed her most successful clients in her fitness business, it was immediately obvious that their success came from more than just the workouts. They fully embraced the Nu-U program addressing things like managing stress, understanding how their bodies worked, and focusing on creating new healthy habits. Many of these women reduced or entirely eliminated the medications they were on, the weight came off and, even better, they have maintained their new lifestyle. 

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