This episode is about one of the most under-recognized but one of the most important parts of our body wellness: posture. Joseph Gonzalez, a personal trainer who specializes in back issues and posture, starts off the podcast saying that people immediately think of opening up your chest when talking about good posture. He says that that is not the case. It is about aligning your muscles in a natural and comfortable way so that your body wants to have good posture. And this is so important because we usually think how good posture is so hard to maintain and how it is expensive because we need to get all this equipment to make good posture. Joe is different. He helps you fix your posture because you want to, not because you have to. And you might be surprised at some of the core, fundamental parts of his program that make this goal work for his clients. Tune in to learn exactly how you can get better posture for a healthier mind and body today.


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