Are you curious about the benefits of red light therapy, full body vibration, and the cold plunge and how they can be added to your fitness routine? According to Xavier Smith aka Coach X, red light therapy is a game changer and can be used every day for people with arthritis and injury recovery. Coupled with the power plate, which is used by high-performing and Division 1 College athletes, it helps speed recovery time, perform better, and reduce inflammation and soreness. The cold plunge can be used as well to reduce inflammation, muscle recovery, pain, and stress relief, enhance performance and improve sleep. Xavier's life was impacted by three things; a heart attack at age 29, being hit by a drunk driver when he was in high school and 3 pulmonary embolisms all leading to change and his desire to serve others. He was in the Air Force for 10 years and along with meditating and relaxing he enjoys the shooting range. With ‘Mighty Mouse’ by his side they enjoy their time with family and have found a balance for the lean times. What does Impact, Inspire, and Improve mean to Xavier? Tune in to find out!



*  His military background

*  Hit by a drunk driver in his teens

*  Heart attack at age 29

*  Has had 3 pulmonary embolisms

*  What is red light therapy - its uses and benefits

*  Full body vibration or power plate - its uses and benefits

*  Xavier would like to see red light therapy and a power plate in all homes; similar to computers

*  His partnership with clients to achieve their fitness goals

*  Trust the process

*  What does Impact, Inspire, and Improve mean to him

*  Wife (Mighty Mouse) is in real estate and he’s in fitness. They lean on each other so when one is down the other can’t be

*  Enjoys relaxing, meditating, and going to the shooting range

*  What selfish means to him

*  His dreams

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