Are you tired of feeling trapped in the endless cycle of diets and workouts? Ladies over 40, this one's for you! Welcome to another episode of the Fit Girl Magic podcast, it’s all about how to shake off the chains of being a "Debbie Dieter" and start living a healthy lifestyle that’s filled with balance, joy, and sustainability. In this episode, I open up about my own struggles with feeling overwhelmed, particularly post-fitness competitions, weekends and during vacations. But through it all, I've discovered the power of creating my own personal 'non-negotiables' – a game-changing concept that has transformed my approach to health and wellness. Join me as I take you on my journey from the grips of guilt-ridden dieting to becoming the embodiment of 'Reality Rita', someone who relishes in life's pleasures while staying consistent to her healthy habits. Today, we're diving deep into practical strategies for crafting a flexible weekly plan, including rest days, and making mindful eating choices that nourish both body and soul. If you've been looking for a way to redefine your approach to diet and exercise with joy and sustainability, this is the show you won’t want to miss.  Listen if you are ready to say goodbye to extremes and hello to balanced, guilt-free health!   Facebook group 10 Ways to Fight Belly Fat Belly Fat Code wait list Free Resources: Website: