In this episode of Fit Food Junkies Podcast, I interview Maricris Lapaix, personal trainer, to learn how to develop a holistic approach in health and wellness for busy people.⁣⁣


We discuss:⁣⁣


-"Busy Bodies" 3 Pillars: Mindset, Food, and Move⁣⁣


-How to make time to workout and eat healthy as a busy person⁣⁣


-How to not be hard on yourself throughout your health journey⁣⁣


-How to change your motives to want to live life and not take yourself too seriously ⁣⁣


-The emphasis on "movement"⁣⁣


-Meal prepping tips⁣⁣

-How to progress in your exercise goals ⁣


-The idea of feeling good mentally and physically ⁣⁣


-How to individualize your health journey