Detox has many benefits. It can both reset your mindset and your body as you intentionally eliminate common contributors to poor health.

Unhealthy detox approaches

 Lemon Water, Cyanne Pepper, and Maple Syrup (thanks Kelly from the Office)A bar or shake "only" program can be unsustainable and are not nutritionally complete

Healthy Detox approach

An elimination diet to target some of the harshes foods to our system.Includes one week of down ramping to get your body ready.Items to exclude during a healthy detox:SugarCaffeineAlcoholWheat, grain, and cornDairySoyArtificial SweetenersPeanuts and Peanut ButterEggsItems to includeProperly sourced proteinVegetables and fruits (not corn)Wild-caught fish (no shellfish, they are the livers of the sea)Raw nuts and seedsAvocado oil, olive oil, and coconut oilBeans, peas, lentils, and potatoesGo nuts with the spices and flavorsWater and green tea

You should enjoy the food you eat on a detox. We are just trying to cut out anything with hormonal disruptions.

Sugar is the most addictive substance on the planet. We reference a study where scientists gave rats the choice between cocaine and table sugar and the rats chose sugar 10 out of 10 times. And rats really like cocaine.

Also mentioned in this podcast

Compound Effect by Darren HardyMicrobiome health discussion with Dr. Lovelle Genuis Foods by Max Lugavere with Paul Grewal, MDThe Lifetime Fitness DetoxSiete Cassava Flour tortillasThe book, Change Your Brain Change Your Life