We learn about Fernanda and Dean's background. Their trip to Thailand to explore more about the roots of Thai massage and to get a masterclass from the local experts.

A Thai massage is a full-body approach. While it is helpful to think of Thai massage as assisted yoga it is different from traditional table work in that it focuses on listening to the body as it follows the fascia to relax and stretch.

Brandon shares a glowing review of his experience with Apex Retreat and his Thai massage.

One interesting point brought up on the show today is how the average career length of a massage therapist is shorter than expected. This could be due to the toll that traditional massage takes on the body of the masseuse. In Thai massage, the experience is also beneficial to the body fo the masseuse as well as the recipient.

We learn about the circumstances that led to the career path of the masseuse for Dean and Fernanda.

Apex Retreat also offers classes for certification in the art of Thai massage.

Fernanda shares about the benefits of aromatherapy and how it has become a passion in her life.

Dean and Fernanda share client success stories, the importance of taking care of yourself in between sessions, and their own personal habits that have contributed to their success.

We discuss the benefits of meditation and the personal practices of the our guests and hosts.

Fernanda and Dean share about their recent trip to Thailand, their experiences, and the takeaways from their life-changing trip.