Justin and his wife moved from the Bay Area of California and he discusses some of the cultural differences between North Carolina and the Bay Area.

We discuss the movement of slow food, which is a response to fast food and returning to a time when there was less involvement from food science and more "real" food in our meal prep as a country.

Change starts in the mind. Whether people are looking for help to change from a social worker or help to change from a physical trainer, it begins in the mind.

Justin and Brandon bring their experience and perspective to discuss some common myths:

Are we all a couple of bad decisions away from being homeless?Does change occur when the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change?Habit-making or habit-breaking: which is more difficult?21 days of repeatedly doing something creates a habit?Willpower is an exhaustible resource?

We discussed the importance of having more grace for yourself. In the area of nutrition, if a mistake is made, to look at it in the context of a bigger picture and not fatalistically. The example of thinking I messed up already this week so I'll just eat poorly all week and start again next week verses I had a cheat day and getting right back on the healthy eating wagon.

It's about belief. You need to believe that you are able to become the person that you want to be.

"Real change happens slowly in most cases." - Justin Powell

Justin shares some self-care strategies:

Take the time to understand what you're feeling before a certain behavior to understand yourself, that's the first breadcrumb in a pattern of behavior.Find someone you can talk to and then talk with them about it.