Ryan understood that the change he needed to make for his health needed to a change that was sustainable with his lifestyle. So he started to research, write, and experiment to discover a plan that worked for him.

Many people try to start at a level 10 and can end up setting themselves up for failure. Instead of starting with 5 days of Crossfit, perhaps a realistic next step would be a healthy balanced diet.

Some of the big takeaways from all his research and years of writing This Tour Life would be to simplify your diet. Eating more whole foods and less processed foods. Prioritize your sleep by testing to find out the right increments of sleep for your body. And have your mobility accessed. This way you can identify problem areas and keep in the game longer.

Ryan is passionate about seeing others in his profession become and stay healthy and stay in the job for life. The past few years have highlighted mental health as a critical issue in the live music industry, but they're still in the dark when it comes to real data about the conditions and effects of living our lives on the road. Ryan and his organization are collecting information through a research-based, online inquiry into the details that are affecting our physical and mental health as artists and touring professionals. This is the first study of its magnitude and scope and is one that respects our life backstage while shining a light on the issues that impact our everyday experience.

Also mentioned in this episode:

While We Sleep by Dr. Matthew WalkerTourhealth.org