Dr. Norah Whitten is an orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapist. She specializes in treating the hip, low back, and pelvic floor. She is passionate about bridging the gap between orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapy. She graduated with her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Duke University in 2016 after attending the University of Illinois where she received her bachelor of science in kinesiology. Her treatments focus on identifying and addressing the underlying root cause of pain in order to provide patients with the best long-term results.  Dr. Norah grew up as a competitive gymnast and diver and has continued to be active throughout her adult life with Crossfit and weightlifting. She believes that everyone can be active without pain or limitations. 

Dr. Norah is not only a physical therapist but also an athlete, coach, and mom. Norah grew up a competitive athlete, specifically as a high-level gymnast and diver. After sports, Norah knew she needed a way to fulfill her competitive outlet and found CrossFit while in PT school. From day one she was hooked. Since starting CrossFit she has also developed a passion for Olympic weightlifting. This not only influenced her personal life but her professional role as a movement specialist as well. Norah utilizes the movement patterns and philosophies of CrossFit and weightlifting to get her patients the outcomes they deserve and help them become stronger than they ever thought possible. 


Since graduating from school Norah has specialized in working with an active population. She believes that everyone deserves to live a healthy, active life, without the use of injections, pain medications, or unnecessary surgeries. Her specific areas of interest include the low back, hip, and pelvic floor. She is passionate about empowering her patients to own their movement and giving them the tools they need to live long pain-free lives! 

When not at work or working out herself, you can usually find Norah still wearing her athletic gear (i.e. comfy leggings) with her hair in a side braid and spending quality time with her husband, Ben, and son, Lucas.

The pelvic floor is not just a woman's issue, everyone has a pelvic floor.  They help us keep our bodily fluids in and then also let them out at the appropriate time. They work with our diaphragm muscle and our breathing and our posture, a lot of support around the hip pelvis, and spine.

We break down what happens with the pelvic floor that can lead to back pain and hip pain and how to activate the muscles of your pelvic floor to correct those issues.

Brandon says that Dr. Norah put me through a couple of quick assessments and you told me more about my body in one hour, then an entire team of orthopedic surgeons and chiropractors. He recounts his experience at her office.

We reference a video clip that highlights this very well from TameTheBeast.org

We talk about the phenomena where your brain can send pain signals even when there is no cause. One of the most important elements can be an education about how pain works and the belief that pain can get better.

For Dr. Norah, her transformation story is about owning her own business. She never thought she would be in this position but now she is and loving it. She shares how she came to be a business owner.

You can find out more about Dr. Norah at her website functionalphyziopt.com and follow her on Instagram