Lily Ward is a 22-year-old student going for her psychology degree in sexual health and relationships. She is very passionate about nutrition, fitness, and self-growth. She wants to change society’s views and issues dealing with women’s rights, toxic masculinity, gender norms, and get rid of the taboo around the conversation of sex.

Overcoming her painful acne led her on a path to discover more about her diet. She was very active in the gym and worked out regularly and was religiously counting her macros and calories, but she was not paying attention to the kind of food she was eating. After doing the research she decided to become a Vegan and focus on eating real food. Now she is feeling better than she has in her whole life.

Lily shared about another area of her transformation story which is her desire to see social change as a feminist. We discussed the topic of toxic masculinity and some tips on how to deal with it when you see it, and how not to handle it when you see it. 

When she made the decision to cut out dairy it started her transformation towards gut health and ultimately veganism.

" It changed my whole view on health, whereas I was such a bro in the gym and I was focused on numbers and just lifting. I had to start fresh and stop thinking all of the things that I had learned from "gym culture" and I started focusing on actual health, nutrition, ingredients, and not just numbers. I began to focus on what food I'm putting in my body to fuel me for workouts, and that has completely changed everything about my health regimen. My workouts are different now. My diet is completely different. My skin is incredible now. It changed so many things in my life." - Lily

Tip for seeing a positive transformation in your life:
- Set a goal that is focused on the results you want to see then do the research to find out how to get there.
- Surround yourself with people with similar goals.
- Don't be so hard on yourself. Lasting change is hard difficult but worth it.

Also mentioned in this episode

Vegan Smart ProteinVega Protein