Most people think that the bigger the habit the bigger the result but current thinking is that the biggest changes come from small changes in our day-to-day routine.

We break down two of the popular books today on habits.

James Clear's "Atomic Habits" and BJ Fogg's "Tiny Habits" to break down how well their advice holds up in the real world when it comes to personal training, fitness, and nutrition.

Both books do a good job talking about what is realistic for the long term. Which we are a big fan of sustainable habits.

We talk about the impact a small 1% improvement can make over time.

We discuss the methodologies from both authors and what implementation into your fitness and nutrition goals could look like.

Starter habitsHabit pairingCreating a motivational ruleReducing FrictionPrime your environmentNever miss it twice

We discuss how to break a bad habit.