Dr. Susan works mainly with women entrepreneurs leaders, those women who are just kind of stressing themselves out. She says "people they say you go into medicine to help the people that you were" and she focuses on helping those types of women.

I think personally that functional medicine is going to be the way of the future just because it does work. - Dr. Susan Lovelle

They change their lives they get off medication. 

Discussed in this episode:

The condition called leaky gut where food gets through the intestinal wall and into your bloodstream which can cause inflammation, rashes, headaches, joint pain, etc. The small intestine is an immune barrier and when something breaks through it can lead to many side effects. An elimination diet is recommended for food allergies or food sensitivities. Keep a food journal.Bloodwork can be one of the most transformative steps for optimal healthMicrobiome health is becoming a popular topic in the last 10 years. Dr. Lovelle shares about how bacteria, viruses, parasites in your guts and they run our lives more than we know. There are more bacteria in our gut than cells in our body. When they are out of balance it's called dysbiosis. Brandon mentioned a book by Dr. Robynne Chutkan called The Microbiome Solution, was talking about fecal transplants and the success rate of treating C. Diff. Medical professionals used to think that the majority of serotonin (the feel-good hormone) was produced by the brain but now we know that 90% is produced in your gut. So what you eat literally can help with anxiety depression your mood. Sitting is the new smoking. Dr. Lovelle mentioned a program called SNAX for helping people keep moving throughout the day.Some of the benefits to meditation can include: it helps lower blood pressure could turn off that fight or flight response and if you could start your day without that'll stop that slow drip of cortisol and breakdown of muscle tissue and adrenal issues. The Insight Timer Meditation appNeuRoast Mushroom CoffeeFlicker is an issue caused by LED lights rapidly turning on and off and has been known to cause headaches and you may want to consider switching to incandescent lights at night to assist in falling asleep.

The top three things to improve your life and health goals by Dr. Susan Lovelle

Understand that you are an individual and start listening to your own bodyRealize that you are your own doctor and you have the responsibility to bring yourself to health.You can be healthy, it is your right, and you deserve to feel that way.

Find out more about Dr. Susan Lovelle

Her website is Premiere WellnessTHE BOSS Women Renewed: A Retreat to Reclaim Your Energy and Grow Your Business!