In This Episode: 

CRPS stands for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.Despite being diagnosed at age 13 with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), a brain disorder that causes abnormal pain, Dunkin grew up playing sports including basketball, track and martial arts. Midway through her junior year, complications from a rare nervous system disorder left her unable to walk and needing to use a wheelchair on a daily basis. She was re-diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope Dysautonomia with Small Fiber Neuropathy and discovered wheelchair basketball after watching videos of the 2012 Paralympic Games.Abby unpacks the rehab process, it was basically an all day recovery starting at 5 AM and adjusting the ankle brace along the way. After she played USA ball she was named to the 2020 Tokyo team, but the pandemic hit and she took it as a sign, she retired, became a personal trainer and moved to North Carolina.Abby works at Redline Athletics and works with youth ages 8-18, multiple sports and work on speed, agility, and weight training. They start with the basics.Top three pieces of adviceGet outside, get your body moving for at least 30 minutesCheck your dietDo what makes you happy

Quotes from This Episode: 

Going from two feet to two wheels is no easy transition, especially as a teenage girl. ~Abby

Links To Things I Talk About: 

Rethinking Pain video from Tame the Beast (with the wolf)Abby's Team USA profileRedline Athletics

Episode Sponsor: 

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