In This Episode: 

Tricia has spent over thirty years researching the hidden causes of food addiction. Trica shares her personal journey of losing 50 pounds and discovering a lot of it was tied into emotional eating and what were some of the linchpins that caused her emotional eating. We talk about the PEP formula that helps people identify if they are emotionally eating.Painkiller - we know what food does for us but we need to look at what it does to us.Escape - emotional eaters tend to be overthinkers.Punishment - emotional eaters tend to beat themselves up over eating foods they enjoy.We talk about healthy alternatives to using food as a painkiller, escape, or punishment.We also discuss some of the science behind these behaviors.How can you tell the difference between an emotional eater and a food addict?We discuss the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger.The "C's" for emotional eatingClean - eating cleanCenteredness - put money in your spiritual bank accountCommunityCommunicate - say it doesn't stuff itConscienceness - so we don't feel isolatedCauses - understand the emotional causesThree things you can do for a transformationDo something in the morning to connect with your sourceLook for areas of stress that you can cut out of your life tied to busynessStop weighing yourself so frequently and learn to not be in diet mode.

Quotes from This Episode: 

I think a lot of people who might be listening might be saying, Hey, I'm not an emotional eater. I just like food. Because that was me., I thought "that's a stupid term. That's not me. But after I heard the information, I started to observe my behavior around food and realized that I was different.Carbs and sugar are like a blanket we put on our feelings.It's not an eating problem it's a living problem.

Links To Things I Talk About: 

Tricia's Book: Heal Your Hunger: Seven Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating NowTricia's Podcast: The Heal Your Hunger