HBR Senior Editor Gardiner Morse talks about the state of print media and offers practical advice on how academics and PR professionals can work with the publication, including pitching ideas; how to write for the publication; the editing proces and becoming a part of HBR’s blogging network.
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Gardiner Morse, Senior Editor at Harvard Business Review

“Anybody that thinks print is dead –  that’s not necessarily true.”

These are the words Harvard Business Review senior editor Gardiner Morse used on the latest episode of the FIR on Higher Education podcast while describing the growth at HBR. Gardiner highlighted HBR’s 58% increase in newsstand sales since 2010 and the increase in paid subscriptions.

Gardiner has been with HBR since 2001. He shares insights on the changes that have taken place at HBR over the years and offers analysis on where the publication could be headed in the future.

In addition to sharing the business landscape of HBR, Gardiner also offers practical advice on how academics and PR professionals can work with the publication, including:

Pitching ideas
How to write for the publication
The editing process
Becoming a part of HBR’s blogging network

He also talks about the process of crafting content for the HBR voice. In summary, he said: “We are looking for an authoritative expert voice that is conversational. Something I say to authors is to imagine you are at a dinner party explaining your idea to a business executive sitting in the next chair. You are not going to recite the abstract from the journal article. You are also not going to wing it. You are going to strike that balance between scholarly and conversational.”

Have a listen to the entire episode for more insights.

On our reports segments, I highlight other best practice pitching advice from editors, while contributor Harry Hawk reviews different elements of Blackboard.

About Gardiner Morse

Gardiner Morse is a senior editor at Harvard Business Review where he focuses on marketing, innovation, and technology. He has developed articles on a wide range of topics including marketing technologies, data privacy, health care management, and smart products strategy. Before coming to HBR, Morse served for 15 years in a range of editorial and business roles with the publishers of the New England Journal of Medicine. There he developed and launched numerous publications for physicians and the general public, and served as executive editor of Hippocrates, a journal for primary care physicians.

The post #35: Sr Editor Gardiner Morse on Working with HBR appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.