My guest, Jenny Vaz, and I are talking about picking yourself up after you’ve been knocked down. And Jenny managed to bring herself back from a very dark place.
New years and new seasons are often the times people look to revise and improve on who they are. It’s easy to keep yourself busy with all kinds of distractions – your job, family, travel adventures – to give you the illusion of being fine. Eventually though, things will unravel, you’ll fall out of the boat and into a storm churned ocean, as Jenny says, and you’ll have to figure out how to survive and hopefully get to a point of thriving. Change is constant. How are you going to manage through it?
After 20 years of life in the I.T. fast lane, Jenny Vaz felt ready to run her own business as a career coach in Sydney. She fell headlong into a dark tunnel instead and stayed there for six months. Broke, broken-hearted and isolated, she battled her past traumas and own worst thoughts in that time.
Through that experience, she developed a mindset of "Just 1% Better" for each waking day. Since then, she has gone on to create a successful coaching business to help people to heal from their trauma & overcome their fears to run successful businesses and live the lives they signed up for.
Jenny is now on a mission to share what 1% Better a day looks like, starting with the most foundational: self-care. Self-care that doesn't cost you energy or money.
Jenny’s hype song is Diana Ross’ I’m Coming Out. Listen here: (
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My guest, Jenny Vaz, and I are talking about picking yourself up after you’ve been knocked down. And Jenny managed to bring herself back from a very dark place.

New years and new seasons are often the times people look to revise and improve on who they are. It’s easy to keep yourself busy with all kinds of distractions – your job, family, travel adventures – to give you the illusion of being fine. Eventually though, things will unravel, you’ll fall out of the boat and into a storm churned ocean, as Jenny says, and you’ll have to figure out how to survive and hopefully get to a point of thriving. Change is constant. How are you going to manage through it?

After 20 years of life in the I.T. fast lane, Jenny Vaz felt ready to run her own business as a career coach in Sydney. She fell headlong into a dark tunnel instead and stayed there for six months. Broke, broken-hearted and isolated, she battled her past traumas and own worst thoughts in that time.

Through that experience, she developed a mindset of "Just 1% Better" for each waking day. Since then, she has gone on to create a successful coaching business to help people to heal from their trauma & overcome their fears to run successful businesses and live the lives they signed up for.

Jenny is now on a mission to share what 1% Better a day looks like, starting with the most foundational: self-care. Self-care that doesn't cost you energy or money.

Jenny’s hype song is Diana Ross’ I’m Coming Out. Listen here:



For community and camaraderie, Come join us in the Fine is a 4-Letter Word Facebook group.

Get a PDF with all the key takeaways from all the Season 1 episodes at