Welcome to the 50th episode of Fine is a 4-Letter Word! I was originally hoping to host a big party when I got to episode 50, but honestly, it kind of crept on me really fast and I wasn’t organized enough to plan ahead. So let’s do that for episode 100, ok? It’ll give us all time to prepare and then we can meet up on March 23, 2023.

What we can do right now though is celebrate with stickers! I’ve got these fun Fine is a 4-Letter Word stickers and I’m happy to send you one. Just text the word FINE to 571.317.1463.

Today I’m going solo and talking about courage. What does courage feel like?

Courage is the third pillar of my Trilogy for Success framework under the F*ck Being Fine program. We talk about courage on this show all the time, even when the actual word is never used.

If you’d like to talk more about this concept, you know you can message me at [email protected] or text me at 571.317.1463. We can set up a time to chat. There’s never any obligation and I think y’all know me well enough by now to know I’m not gonna hard core sell you anything.

Today's hype song is most appropriately, Courage by P!nk. (I actually used this as my walk-up song when I spoke at the Badass Business Summit last year.)