My guest this week is Chelsie Ward. We're talking about being raised with the belief that you have to be perfect, challenging what you accept as a family or societal norm, and once again, how mindset affects your physical health.

We get into rewiring your brain, reprogramming your thoughts is a constant thing you work on. You can't undo years and years and years of wiring, from the time you were a small child, all the way up to now, in one session. Understand you’re not failing or doing it wrong when the negative self talk comes back up. Know that working on reprogramming yourself every morning and saying this is who I am now, is what moves you forward on your new path.

And Chelsie talks about making a decision. A decision that she didn’t want to live the crazy life she’d been leading anymore. She didn’t want to be pretend she had everything figured out and was living without imperfections. She wanted to learn who she is at her core and be driven by a higher purpose, not her past and who she HAD been. All it takes is a decision and you can change everything.

Chelsie’s story is a story of hope and encouragement for what is possible in your own life.

Last week, I hosted a workshop where I shared how I found clarity, passion, and peace around which direction to go in this next stage of life - and how YOU CAN TOO! If you’d like to see the replay, go to to get access to that video.

Chelsie's hype song is Pharrell Williams' "Happy." Listen to it here:




