Today, I am chatting with Christina Robinson Race about how her traumatic childhood in a tight-lipped Evangelical Christian household filled with secrets, abuse, and conditional love affected the way she raised her children. We talk about surrounding yourself with the kind of people you’d like to become, managing your professional reputation, and always finding the silver lining. Plus Christina shares a bit about how much her mom loves shopping at Target.
Christina passionately believes in living a life of kindness and grace. She describes herself as a mom, wife, and salesperson and notes being a salesperson is both a description of her career and her personality. After living in five different states, she calls the mountains of NC her happy place.
In addition to traveling and cooking, Christina’s obsessed with plants and indoor gardening after managing to keep a plant alive for more than a year in 2021. She had strong motivation because it came from her biological father, whom she finally found two and a half years ago, thanks to a common home DNA test.
Christina's hype song is Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons. ( ( (
Find My Last Fuck candles at (
Are you enjoying this show? Please tell three other people about it. Let’s get these stories get in front of more people who can benefit from hearing them, so they can know they're not alone and there's nothing wrong with them. And so they, too, can realize it’s possible to say F*ck Being Fine.
If after listening to this, you would like some more personal attention on adding peace and gratitude and groundedness to your life, I can help you with that. Pop over to the (Zen web page) and sign up for my VIP list. That way, you'll be the first to get all the tools and tips on finding calm amidst the chaos of life.

Today, I am chatting with Christina Robinson Race about how her traumatic childhood in a tight-lipped Evangelical Christian household filled with secrets, abuse, and conditional love affected the way she raised her children. We talk about surrounding yourself with the kind of people you’d like to become, managing your professional reputation, and always finding the silver lining. Plus Christina shares a bit about how much her mom loves shopping at Target.

Christina passionately believes in living a life of kindness and grace. She describes herself as a mom, wife, and salesperson and notes being a salesperson is both a description of her career and her personality. After living in five different states, she calls the mountains of NC her happy place.

In addition to traveling and cooking, Christina’s obsessed with plants and indoor gardening after managing to keep a plant alive for more than a year in 2021. She had strong motivation because it came from her biological father, whom she finally found two and a half years ago, thanks to a common home DNA test.

Christina's hype song is Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons.

Find My Last Fuck candles at

Are you enjoying this show? Please tell three other people about it. Let’s get these stories get in front of more people who can benefit from hearing them, so they can know they're not alone and there's nothing wrong with them. And so they, too, can realize it’s possible to say F*ck Being Fine.

If after listening to this, you would like some more personal attention on adding peace and gratitude and groundedness to your life, I can help you with that. Pop over to the Zen web page and sign up for my VIP list. That way, you'll be the first to get all the tools and tips on finding calm amidst the chaos of life.