Jen Beck is a registered Nutrition Consultant, an Advanced Practitioner of LIIFT UnTherapy, and CEO and founder of Complete Health Revolution. With two decades under her belt guiding people to discover the root cause of their issues and reclaim their health, Jen's mission to empower high achieving professionals and entrepreneurs to create a life they love is awe-inspiring. Besides her significant work with clients, Jen delivers corporate wellness programs to Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

Growing up on fast food, cigarettes, and a hefty disregard for personal nutrition, Jen's wake-up call - or her "2x4" moment - came when her mom was forced into a nursing home at 49 years old because of multiple sclerosis (MS). This was the catalyst that sparked Jen's curiosity and dedication to understanding the role of nutrition in our health. Researching the powerful impact of nutrition on chronic diseases, Jen embarked on a journey of learning, transforming, and healing.

We dive into Jen's process of introspection, understanding her feelings, and taking the leap to change her circumstances, and we uncover the small steps she took towards a much-desired transformation. Listen to how she debunked the "all or nothing" mentality, traced her perfectionism back to childhood triggers, and embraced therapy to heal her wounds. Jen’s story is a testament to how we can turn trauma into triumph.

Jen’s hype song is Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys


Learn more at www.completehealthrevolution.comConnect with Jen on LinkedInFollow Jen on Facebook and Instagram

You know you can go to Zen to get your copy of the short guide to working less and living better - also known as The Five Easy Ways to Start Living a Sabbatical Life. You may also be interested in a brand-new program called Staying Calm in Chaos. It’s 10 short, easily digestible audio sessions that walk you through how to go from being an overwhelmed high achiever to a calm, grounded, and centered person who has peace of mind no matter what. Comes with some awesome meditations and there’s a bunch of other cool stuff to go with it. Check that out at 

Produced by Nova Media