Thanks for listening to the show in 2022! As we head into a new year, I'm sharing 5 ways to prepare yourself better than setting outdated resolutions. Because resolutions feel like ultimatums, which aren't welcomed by anyone.

Consider WHO you'd like to be, instead of what you'd like to accomplish. What are the values you'd prefer to live into? Get the list of values I mentioned HERE.Eliminate the word WANT from your vocabulary. (It's not so easy and you'll hear it slip into my conversation a few times on this one!)Think about how to incorporate more fun into your life. And while we're at it, how about making "how can I?" your default question in any situation. What will you START doing? And equally important, what will you STOP doing?

I share this quote in presentations all the time:

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Let's get ready for an amazing year ahead! And remember to get your copy of the “5 Easy Ways to Start Living the Sabbatical Life” at