My guest on this episode is Mike Sackmary. And as you’ll hear, he has a great sense of humor. He calls himself a recovering rocket engineer. So it makes sense we’re talking about building rockets. Turns out you can incorporate what he learned when doing that, into your everyday life. Want to motivate people better? He’s got some ideas for you. And hear how he smartly and intentionally created the corporate culture at his company.

At an early age, Mike learned his brain loves to inhabit regions which are unseen by normal people. As a youngster, some of his rockets went up, some went sideways. His friends became nimble at getting out of the way.

Fast forward to post-college, he worked on the space shuttle, and many types of rockets and satellites. In the rest of life, he kinda sorta learned how to talk to female humans and claims he’s still working on this skill. He married a fellow nerd and she's awesome.

He started an investment fund with $10K, got to $2M and then decided to start looking for clients. The rest is history, except for the parts that haven't happened yet, which are actually future history.

Mike says the question he is most frequently asked is "What is WRONG with you?" and this is sometimes followed by "Barb married YOU?"

It seems that being good at investing and being good at rockets doesn't necessarily translate to being able to think like everyone else.

Today’s episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. If you’d like to move away from living in a state of constant anxiousness and instead find peace of mind no matter what’s going on around you, get on a complimentary call with me. In less than 30 minutes, you’ll get insight on any issue you’d like to bring to the table. And you’ll leave the conversation with clarity and renewed energy. Click HERE for the booking link.