On today’s show, I get to talk with human kindness leader and possibility coach Gina Lemon. 

Gina’s parents divorced when she was 6 and she and her mom moved around throughout her childhood. Like many Gen-Xers, she was given a lot of independence, which translated into a constant striving for excellence, which translated into the belief that accomplishments get you appreciation. She was 17 when her dad died of AIDS, which, as you’ll hear, has informed her purpose today. 

We chat all about ABCs of life, supporting other people even when they have a different perspective from you, and what can happen when you speak your truth. And of course we get into what happened when Gina realized fine wasn’t fine at all. 

After leaving her corporate VP of Human Resources position in 2021, Gina started a consulting company to partner with clients who believe they can change the status quo and make a positive impact on the world. She loves helping people find their passions and live their best futures today instead of allowing the past to dictate what happens next. 

You might remember a few weeks ago, my guest was Raoul Benavides. The guy who founded Heart Soul Heat – with the ghost honey. Fathers Day is coming up and this could be the perfect gift for the guy who has everything. Use code FINE at checkout and get 20% off your first order at HeartSoulHeat.com.

Oh, one more thing… 

Think about your work week. Think about your home life. Do they bring a smile of joy to your face? Or are you constantly waiting for things to change? Here’s some harsh news. They’re not going to change unless YOU change them. And taking a spa day isn’t going to fix the stress in your life. Life is short. It’s time to do the work now. 

Or you can keep waiting. 

The next small group, 8-week, F*ck Being Fine program starts in just a few weeks. Get in and radically increase your focus, energy & happiness while learning to stay calm & grounded no matter what.

Here’s what one of the participants says about his experience: Every conversation is different now. I’m always looking for the positive. This is definitely rewiring my brain. 

If this opportunity speaks to your heart, join me for the next cohort. Find out more at ZenRabbit.com or text me at 571.317.1463.

Gina’s hype song is Shut Up and Dance with Me by Walk the Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JCLY0Rlx6Q. 

Website: http://peoplepossibility.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ginalemon/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/PeoplePossibility   

Find the Positive Intelligence assessment at https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/pq/overview

Find the Saboteur Assessment at https://www.positiveintelligence.com/saboteurs/

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