On today’s episode, Tina Kadish and I are talking about her definition of freedom, what happens when you don’t keep promises to yourself, and why you’ll only take action when you’re ready. Growing up an Italian immigrant family with a scarcity mindset, Tina stayed in a marriage and then a job for longer than she would have liked because she was afraid of not having or making enough money. Listen to learn how she overcame that challenge. 

Today, she lives with joy, fulfillment, and freedom. After 20 years in the corporate world as a trainer and talent acquisition strategist, Tina is now a Speaker, Life Purpose and Business Coach and Author. Through one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and workshops, she offers corporate women the tools and skills needed to take action, make their dreams a reality, and create financial success that enables them to give back to their communities.

Website: www.lifeisideal.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tinakadish

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tina.kadish

Instagram: www.instagram.com/tkadish

Tina's hype song is Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keyes

Tina is offering you a 30 minute complimentary call! Schedule here: http://bit.ly/meettinakadish

Today's episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. The question many people are asking lately is how do I find and maintain peace of mind?

With everything going on in your world, and the world as a whole, staying grounded can be challenging. 

Yet, your happiness and well-being are dependent on your ability to find your center. To tap into your inner knowing. Your health and sanity are at stake here. 

This is where the F*ck Being Fine program for individuals and companies comes in. It’s time to stop saying everything’s fine when, clearly, your hair is on fire. You want to learn how to stay calm and grounded no matter what’s going on around you? 

There are people who live this way and you can be one of them. If you’re intrigued by this possibility, go to ZenRabbit.com or text me at 571.317.1463.