Today's episode is a solo one. I've been hearing from a lot of people that they're running around like hair on fire, stressed out, and wanting to feel more calm and grounded. So the question becomes, are you willing to do the things that will take you from chaos to peace? That's what we're going to talk about today. Five simple steps to go from chaos to peace.

If you have another way of going from chaos to peace, that involves not doing any of these five steps, I would love to hear it. Email me or find me through my website.

I'd also love to hear from you if you do implement anyone or all of these steps, because I want to hear what's happened, how did it change your outlook? How did it change how you feel as you move through your day?

If you find value in what I shared today, please share this episode with three friends or colleagues or coworkers or networking associates.

Here's a link to Nicole BZ's episode, reference in today's episode.

And here's the link to Brene Brown's values assessment tool.