In this end-of-year solo episode, I’m talking about change, control, and courage.

How do you identify the need for change? What are the signs of dissatisfaction, lack of motivation, and other indicators that signal a need for change in various aspects of your life?

I’m inviting you to reflect on where in your own life you may be hesitant to make necessary changes.

We’re talking about understanding fear and resistance because they’re a normal part of change. Once you’re aware of what the common fears are – like fear of the unknown, loss aversion, cognitive dissonance, social and cultural conditioning, and loss of control - that hold people back from making significant life changes – it’s easier to overcome them.

Then let’s look at what you’re missing out on when you’re attempting to control everything.

This has been a year of fantastic guests and episodes. There’s a quick recap of a handful of shows in which the guests shared their stories of facing challenges, surrendering control, and finding the courage to make significant life changes.

Let’s dive into embracing uncertainty, letting go of the need for control, and taking courageous steps so you can prepare for unprecedented personal growth and transformation in the coming year!

This week’s hype song is one that I’ve listened to a lot this past year for motivation. It’s “Fire” by Gavin DeGraw.


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Invitation from Lori:

I'm inviting you to come work with me in the 10-week F*ck Being Fine Experience.

This program is designed to help you achieve transformation quickly. So once you get to the last week of 2024, you’re looking back and seeing what giant strides you made. How proud of yourself you are.

Where will you be in a year if you DON’T change your path? If you continue to frustrate yourself by trying to control what’s not controllable? If you DON’T find the courage to follow your heart?

I’ve heard that “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” The unknown is dark. Like a cat, I can see in the dark, which is how I can lead you from it.

Join me and the handful of others who are taking this journey and go to

The first step is to take a step. Do it now!