Many people believe they have a dream lifestyle – the perfect house, the perfect job or business, the perfect family and social cycle, just everything perfect.

Some create checklists or vision boards so they can visualize it and align their thoughts and actions toward having it for themselves.

But what if you think you’ve achieved it, but it turns out you’ve veered way off course?

Tess Wittler was raised in central Pennsylvania as part of a tight-knit family. Growing up, it was annoying to visit grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins who were much younger than she was – it made her eyes roll. As an adult, she came to appreciate family as she created a life with her husband.

Then, a cascade of events happened. Both her parents, her mother-in-law, and both grandparents died within a span of just 30 months. This was right around the time COVID happened, and also right around the time Tess and her husband, Jason, bought what they believed was their dream house in Richmond, VA to be close to Jason’s job. They bought a boat and looked forward to hiking.

Then they noticed they weren’t hiking, they weren’t fishing, and they weren’t boating – even though this was supposed to be their dream lifestyle.

Up until this point, everything seemed fine – but Fine is a 4-Letter Word.

In January 2022, Jason lost his job. Between that, and so many of Tess’ family having passed away, they began to question their choices.

It occurred to them that perhaps they had not created their dream lifestyle after all – but then what was the next step?

In a moment, when you meet Tess, you’ll discover the journey she and her husband embarked upon that has taken them to somewhere they hadn’t considered before – Washington State, where Jason was born and raised but had left after high school.

There were so many questions. Would they find a house they liked? How would Tess get along with her husband’s family, who she had not really had a chance to get to know except through occasional visits? Would they find the hobbies and the social circle they were looking for?

They were so focused on asking “what if it doesn’t work?” that they didn’t think to ask an even more powerful question.

Tess' hype song is “The Pretender” by Foo Fighters.


Tess Wittler’s websites: and Facebook: Instagram:

Invitation From Lori:

Like Tess, you may think everything is “fine” and have no reason to ask questions or continue a path of self-discovery. Just follow the course and you’ll reach the destination.

But is that because you’re certain you’re on the right path, or afraid that if you take a step back and look from a distance, you might find out you’re not?

In which case you might be left questioning whether you can ever manage to find your right path, overcome the feelings of overwhelm, and the impossible to live up to expectations.

The first step is to go to right now and...

Many people believe they have a dream lifestyle – the perfect house, the perfect job or business, the perfect family and social cycle, just everything perfect.

Some create checklists or vision boards so they can visualize it and align their thoughts and actions toward having it for themselves.

But what if you think you’ve achieved it, but it turns out you’ve veered way off course?

Tess Wittler was raised in central Pennsylvania as part of a tight-knit family. Growing up, it was annoying to visit grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins who were much younger than she was – it made her eyes roll. As an adult, she came to appreciate family as she created a life with her husband.

Then, a cascade of events happened. Both her parents, her mother-in-law, and both grandparents died within a span of just 30 months. This was right around the time COVID happened, and also right around the time Tess and her husband, Jason, bought what they believed was their dream house in Richmond, VA to be close to Jason’s job. They bought a boat and looked forward to hiking.

Then they noticed they weren’t hiking, they weren’t fishing, and they weren’t boating – even though this was supposed to be their dream lifestyle.

Up until this point, everything seemed fine – but Fine is a 4-Letter Word.

In January 2022, Jason lost his job. Between that, and so many of Tess’ family having passed away, they began to question their choices.

It occurred to them that perhaps they had not created their dream lifestyle after all – but then what was the next step?

In a moment, when you meet Tess, you’ll discover the journey she and her husband embarked upon that has taken them to somewhere they hadn’t considered before – Washington State, where Jason was born and raised but had left after high school.

There were so many questions. Would they find a house they liked? How would Tess get along with her husband’s family, who she had not really had a chance to get to know except through occasional visits? Would they find the hobbies and the social circle they were looking for?

They were so focused on asking “what if it doesn’t work?” that they didn’t think to ask an even more powerful question.

Tess' hype song is “The Pretender” by Foo Fighters.


Tess Wittler’s websites: and Facebook: Instagram:

Invitation From Lori:

Like Tess, you may think everything is “fine” and have no reason to ask questions or continue a path of self-discovery. Just follow the course and you’ll reach the destination.

But is that because you’re certain you’re on the right path, or afraid that if you take a step back and look from a distance, you might find out you’re not?

In which case you might be left questioning whether you can ever manage to find your right path, overcome the feelings of overwhelm, and the impossible to live up to expectations.

The first step is to go to right now and download the 5 Easy Ways to Start Living The Sabbatical Life guide.

Once you read it, you’ll understand how the beliefs you’ve been programmed with since birth are holding you back and keeping you stuck. It’s only 7 pages, so it won’t take you long to get through. And the five tactics are pretty simple, but once you follow even ONE of them, you’re in for a profound change.

When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine, then this guide is the place to start. It’s time to blaze a new trail and chart a new course!