First of all, I'd like to give a shout-out to our previous guest, Mike Fisher, for connecting me with Grant Muller, who you're about to hear from today.

And what a story you're about to discover!

Do you know what it's like to passionately want something - to fall in love with somebody - and not be able to express it because society says it's wrong? To suppress and bury who you really are and what you really feel just to try to fit in and not become a target?

Somewhere along the line, you were given core values, like integrity, but without any framework for what "integrity" means. What is integrity? Does it mean you boldly live your authentic life and use it as a driver to make the world a better place, or that you figure out how to fit in and do what you're supposed to for the good of the collective?

Society teaches us values, but it doesn't show us what they really mean. Part of the social contract is that you agree it's okay, that it's "fine" - but fine is a four-letter word.

As an immigrant from South Africa in the 1980s, Grant Muller struggled to fit in after his family immigrated to the United States. So he buried his beautiful native accent and did what everybody else was doing just to avoid getting picked on. As a teenager in the 1980s, he fell passionately in love with his male best friend. In those days, you just didn't admit to that. In order to cope with his feelings, Grant found a new lover - alcohol. This led to more love affairs, first cigarettes, then eventually cocaine. Outwardly he was successful, becoming a millionaire by age 28, and when he got fired, he figured he'd just retire and party for the rest of his life.

Until the check bounced and he found out all the money was gone.

Before you know it, Grant was sleeping on people's couches, getting into worse trouble, and soon facing four long, arduous years in prison!

In a moment, when you meet Grant, you'll walk beside him as he tells you more about his rapid decline from the top of the mountain to the depths of the darkest valley.

He had to do one of the most courageous things a person can ever fathom. And in painfully struggling to rebuild, Grant found the friend of a lifetime who reached into his world and showed him a new point of view.

In short, Grant had to step out of the clusterfuck of fear, regret, and disappointment and into a new, powerful place of peace and contentment.

Grant's hype song is "Edge of Seventeen" by Stevie Nicks.


Grant Muller's website: your copy of Grant's book here: http://www.buytopofheart.comLinkedIn:

Also, check out Mike Fister's appearance on Fine is a 4-Letter Word by clicking here.

Invitation from Lori:

Like Grant, if, up until now, you've called your life a nightmare, a clusterf*ck, or a dumpster fire... you’ve been living in chaos for long enough. It’s time to let go of frenzy and lean...

First of all, I'd like to give a shout-out to our previous guest, Mike Fisher, for connecting me with Grant Muller, who you're about to hear from today.

And what a story you're about to discover!

Do you know what it's like to passionately want something - to fall in love with somebody - and not be able to express it because society says it's wrong? To suppress and bury who you really are and what you really feel just to try to fit in and not become a target?

Somewhere along the line, you were given core values, like integrity, but without any framework for what "integrity" means. What is integrity? Does it mean you boldly live your authentic life and use it as a driver to make the world a better place, or that you figure out how to fit in and do what you're supposed to for the good of the collective?

Society teaches us values, but it doesn't show us what they really mean. Part of the social contract is that you agree it's okay, that it's "fine" - but fine is a four-letter word.

As an immigrant from South Africa in the 1980s, Grant Muller struggled to fit in after his family immigrated to the United States. So he buried his beautiful native accent and did what everybody else was doing just to avoid getting picked on. As a teenager in the 1980s, he fell passionately in love with his male best friend. In those days, you just didn't admit to that. In order to cope with his feelings, Grant found a new lover - alcohol. This led to more love affairs, first cigarettes, then eventually cocaine. Outwardly he was successful, becoming a millionaire by age 28, and when he got fired, he figured he'd just retire and party for the rest of his life.

Until the check bounced and he found out all the money was gone.

Before you know it, Grant was sleeping on people's couches, getting into worse trouble, and soon facing four long, arduous years in prison!

In a moment, when you meet Grant, you'll walk beside him as he tells you more about his rapid decline from the top of the mountain to the depths of the darkest valley.

He had to do one of the most courageous things a person can ever fathom. And in painfully struggling to rebuild, Grant found the friend of a lifetime who reached into his world and showed him a new point of view.

In short, Grant had to step out of the clusterfuck of fear, regret, and disappointment and into a new, powerful place of peace and contentment.

Grant's hype song is "Edge of Seventeen" by Stevie Nicks.


Grant Muller's website: your copy of Grant's book here: http://www.buytopofheart.comLinkedIn:

Also, check out Mike Fister's appearance on Fine is a 4-Letter Word by clicking here.

Invitation from Lori:

Like Grant, if, up until now, you've called your life a nightmare, a clusterf*ck, or a dumpster fire... you’ve been living in chaos for long enough. It’s time to let go of frenzy and lean into calm. You are here in this world, living this life, for a reason.

In our program, "Staying Calm in Chaos", we take you by the hand and guide you through how to go from being an overwhelmed high achiever to a calm, grounded, and centered person who has peace of mind no matter what. It comes with some powerful, mind-changing meditations as well.

Check that out at

It's time.