It’s still summer as far as I’m concerned. And in today’s Summer Session we’re going back to episode 16 from August of 2021. It’s called Do What Lights You Up: Messages from Snakes & Scorpions with Tab Scott.

Tab is an award-winning international advisor, speaker, and best-selling author of Trust Your Animal Instincts-Recharge Your Life & Ignite Your Power. And wow, what a story. Highly recommend.

We talked about the intersection of science and spirituality in regard to energy. How animals can help you find answers – in Tab’s case it’s been snakes and scorpions – hence the title of this one. And what you can do to achieve purposeful transformation, one small bite at a time

Here’s what’s changed in Tab’s world since we published.

Tab is very excited about working on her second book. It’s about taking badass lessons from nature to make businesses faster, more productive, and positive. Mark your calendar - the projected publication date is February 2024.

She’s consulting on sustainability, energy conservation, efficiency, and renewables. As well as innovation, behavior change and team building and dynamics. She sees a resurging movement in wellness and a love of nature and wants to help people who want to be part of that positive change.

Lastly, she’s moved with her partner from Nashville to Denver. Tab’s got an incredible story, so keep listening.

Speaking of changes and moving… if you’ve been dreaming of escaping your life and taking a sabbatical but you don’t know how you can make it work… head over to Zen That’s where you can get your free copy The Five Easy Ways to Start Living a Sabbatical Life – without having to take a year or even a month off from real life. There’s more to come on this topic too. Check it out at Zen

Tab’s hype song is Chumbawamba’s Tubthumping (aka I get knocked down, but I get up again!)


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