In today’s episode I speak with Christa Bevan of The Radical Mother Village about dynamic self care! 

Christa is a Dynamic Self Care Coach for Radical Mothers. She is also a TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) Provider and a Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor. What in the world are Radical Mothers, you might ask? Those moms who are doing work to break cycles of generational trauma by doing work on themselves to heal from their own wounds so they can model healthy behavior for their children!  If you are curious about what exactly dynamic self care is listen to the rest of this episode and I hope you can learn how to integrate this concept into your life.

In this episode we discuss: 

Dynamic Self Care which is made of 3 pillars:self awarenessself loveself compassionDynamic Self Care is how you can care for yourself and nourish yourself on a deep level. She differentiates “Dynamic Self Care” from “Pinterest self care”“Dynamic Self Care” are the activities to reset your nervous system and that nourish you on a deep levelIt enables you to mother from a place of feeling calm, collected and in controlChrista shares her Awakening to Love storyHer realization between the link between her autoimmune condition, Celiac Disease, and her realization that she did not have self-loveNervous System ResponsesEverything that your nervous system does is in service of survivalThe types of stress responses that your body goes into:Social Engagement stress responseFight or Flight stress responseFreeze responseHow to use the Dynamic Self Care model to discharge stressful energyBe self aware about the times that you feel activated, then notice things that make you feel nourished afterward vs. feel distractedWhen you are aware that you are in this state you can use activity to discharge the energy: ExercisePhysical movementCryingLaughingSpeak to yourself positively, imagine what you would say to a best friend and say that to yourselfCultivate a radical self acceptance of who you areWe discussed the Enneagram as a way of knowing insight about yourself as a place to start

How to get in touch with Christa: 

Website: Facebook Group: Podcast: Christa’s Podcast is launching on January 21st! Look for it and subscribe where you listen to your podcasts: The Radical Mother Village

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