Hello and welcome to finding grace today I’m joined by Shereen Oberg. Shereen is an author, podcaster, yoga teacher, reiki master and Chinese medicine healer. 

Shereen’s work is a blend together spirituality from her Kurdish background (the emblem of the sun in the flag reflects spirituality rooted in Kurdish culture), yogic philosophy, traditional Chinese Medicine and also Western practices too. 

I can’t wait to share Shereen on here. 

In this episode:

Shereen shares what finding grace means to her and the journey that she’s been on.  Shereen shares her story and what led her to do the work she’s doing today. We talk about how “the law of positivism” what led her to create it and how it was birthed and now hundreds of people share the posts all over social media today. We discuss how she blends together spirituality from her families back rounds and cultures. She shares all about how all her work led to “The law of positivism” book being birthed in the world. In the book she bases things around pillars and she shares what these are and the concepts of the book. We discuss managing our emotions and working with them. She shares her thoughts on healing and why it’s a journey. We talk about how to navigate being sensitive and an empath in the world today. She shares the tools she uses to support her in her life today. We talk about defining healthy boundaries and finding the balance with this. We discuss seasons and the planets and why honouring and having awareness to this can enhance the way we live. We share are love of the power of gratitude.

We discuss all this and more in this deep and beautiful episode. I loved this conversation with Shereen and I hope you do too.

Do reach out to me to continue this conversation.

If you want to get Shereen’s book and find out what she’s up too you can find her: 

Book here  Instagram @thelawofpositivism YouTube the law of positivism-Shereen Oberg  Face book “The law of positivism” Podcast “The law of positivism”

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book Hannah Wallace  Website www.hannah-wallace.com 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.